
Inside Story, Production Update

Inside Story, Production Update

James Whitfield

Hey everyone! It's been a great few weeks for us as we begin to put into action our production schedule! We have a few long lead components with Briiv such...

Inside Story, Production Update

James Whitfield

Hey everyone! It's been a great few weeks for us as we begin to put into action our production schedule! We have a few long lead components with Briiv such...

Plants. Do they actually clean my homes air?

Plants. Do they actually clean my homes air?

James Whitfield

Hi everyone! We're fast approaching the end of our Kickstarter campaign and we've really enjoyed your feedback and answering all of your very insightful questions. One question keeps popping up...

Plants. Do they actually clean my homes air?

James Whitfield

Hi everyone! We're fast approaching the end of our Kickstarter campaign and we've really enjoyed your feedback and answering all of your very insightful questions. One question keeps popping up...